
GCN-A-fe95cf8c11ae: Unable to start GoCloudNative.Bff. Invalid audience. Configure the audience in the appsettings.json or program.cs file and try again.

The GoCloudNative BFF is an authentication gateway. As a result, you must configure an identity provider (correctly) for it to start.

To bootstrap the BFF, load the identity provider configuration from the appsettings.json:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

var config = builder.Configuration.GetSection("Auth0");

builder.Services.AddSecurityBff(o =>

In order to get an access token with a payload, you need to provide a value for audience.

How to reproduce this error

To reproduce the error, the Audience needs to be missing:

  "Auth0": {
    "ClientId": "{yourClientId}",
    "ClientSecret": "{yourClientSecret}",
    "Domain": "{yourDomain}",
    "Scopes": [
      "openid", "profile", "offline_access"

Or empty

  "Auth0": {
    "Audience": "",

Or misspelled

  "Auth0": {
    "Audienc": "{yourDomain}",


Configure the domain correctly:

  "Auth0": {
    "Audience": "https://www.mydomain.com/api/test",

To find the correct value for audience

  • Go to https://manage.auth0.com
  • Under Applications, in the menu on the left, click APIs
  • Select your API or create one
  • Next, you’ll see the following screen:
  • Copy the Identifier to appsettings.json